Tutorial videos: Qt development for Symbian

The Italian guy with German accent made new videos :) This time it is a whole trilogy about Qt development targeting the Symbian Platform:

1 - Setting up a Symbian/S60 development environment

Bullet proof guide to how to install and plug together all those different components that make up a Symbian/S60 development environment. Download links: ovisuite, carbidecpp, activeperl56, s60sdk, openc and apptrk.

2 - Setting up Qt for Symbian

The easy part: How to install Qt for Symbian on PC and phone, and also a Qt SDK for Windows in order to have QtCreator plus desktop Qt.

3 - Developing in Qt Creator

The fun part: How to develop a Qt application first on the desktop and then deploy and debug(!) it on the device. All in Qt Creator, with its preliminary Symbian support.

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