Temporary Moderation of Comments in the Qt Blog

We have quite good spam filter in the Qt Blog, but no system is perfect. In the past months we have received an increasing amount of spam in the blog comments. There are some ways to improve finding spam, but so far we have not yet found a perfect match. Our estimate is that it will take a couple of weeks to have a better system. Until that we are from now moderating all comments in the blog posts.

As anyone who has been reading our blog sees, we do allow critique and negative feedback. Of course we like the positive comments more than critical ones, but are still ready to have all voices heard. But most of our readers do not want to see comments that are not at all related to the topic of the post, insulting others or trying to lure readers to unrelated web sites.

All blog authors will be active in accepting comments in order to have dialogue ongoing until we have a better spam prevention system in place and can again turn off moderation.

Update: We have not yet found a really well working solution for voting. We are currently testing one solution we think is good, but it will take some more time still. Meanwhile we will continue to be super fast in moderating comments for all the new posts so that the discussion works as it should.
